sábado, 11 de febrero de 2023

Dibujos de enterramientos









casimiro i kasmir i slave trader eslaves mercader de esclavos

Tre kroner-Grydehøj. The völva in her grave. Reconstructed by Mirosław Kuźma.

... this point archaeological facts, circumstantial ev- idence and comparative examples have been present- ed claiming that grave A 505 contained a Viking Age seeress and sorceress, i. e. a völva (Fig. 10). The facts are an extraordinary complex burial ritual including some re-entries into the grave, two presumably decapitat- ed women and half the skeleton of a man, several sac- rificed animals all covered with large boulders and a carpet of stones of granite, chalk and flint. Admittedly, complex burials with more individuals, animals, ...

Reconstruction of the female weapon grave from Nordre Kjølen, Hedmark, Norway. Illustration by Miroslaw Kuzma

Grave FII is usually interpreted as a grave of a master and a slave who was sacrificed to accompany his master in the afterlife.

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