lunes, 25 de septiembre de 2023

Los Usatges de Barcelona

5 If anyone sets an ambush, premeditatedly assaults a knight, beats him with a club, and pulls his hair, let him make compensation to him as for his death since this a serious dishonor. If, on the other hand, anyone in anger strikes a knight with any blow whatsoever with [72] fist or stone, rock or club but without drawing blood , let three ounces be given him. But if there is bloodshed from the body, let four ounces be given him; from the head, five; and from the face, six.


 But if one strikes a knight in his limbs so he appears incapacitated, let him be compensated as for his death. Indeed if he is taken prisoner and put in shackles or leg irons , let him be compensated for half of the value of his death. If he is attacked, beaten, wounded, put in an underground cell, or held for ransom, let the compensation be made as for his death.


 If he was only taken prisoner and held under guard, suffered no insult or disgrace, and was not confined for a long time, let compensation be made through a penalty of submission and homage or by the captive’s retaliation if he appears to be of equal rank. If the captor is of higher rank than the captive, let him provide him a knight of equal rank who shall carry out the penalty of submission and homage and homage or undergo the captive’s retaliation.


Moreover, for a knight who has two knights as his vassals settled on his fiefs and maintains one of them in his household, let all this abovesaid compensation be made to him or, in place of him, let it be made twice over.

Liber Iudiciorum

1241 traducción al castellano Fuero Juzgo escuela de traductores castellano de toledo legislacion alfonsos x

lunes, 18 de septiembre de 2023

Marco Capparoni

Mi sono imbattuto in un video riguardante l’Arte contemporanea dove, la direttrice della Collezione di Arte Contemporanea dei Musei Vaticani dichiara che: “il pensiero dominante di fronte a queste espressioni artistiche è: non la capisco quindi non vale niente, non mi parla e dunque non funziona, non la riconosco e dunque è sbagliata.”
Mai sentito dire una così grande bugia.
Il pensiero dominante difronte all’Arte di Merda Contemporanea è esattamente l’opposto, ovvero che non capendola deve essere per forza massima espressione d’Arte e bellezza, quindi non sono possibili critiche e obiezioni, se non si vuol venire etichettati come ottusi, ignoranti o non-aperti di mente.
Questo genere di artisti vanno avanti perché il mercato lo consente e la critica tace.

E ogni volta penso a quel colloquio per l’Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma che feci anni fa, dove i professoroni dell’Accademia mi definirono troppo figurativo e che facevo “disegnini”.

I came across a video regarding contemporary art where the director of the Contemporary Art Collection of the Vatican Museums declares that: "the dominant thought when faced with these artistic expressions is: I don't understand it therefore it's worth nothing, it doesn't speak to me and therefore it doesn't work, I don't recognize it and therefore it is wrong.”
Never heard such a big lie.
The dominant thought when faced with Contemporary Bullshit Art is exactly the opposite, that is, if we don't understand it, it must necessarily be the maximum expression of Art and beauty, therefore criticisms and objections are not possible, if we don't want to be labeled as obtuse, ignorant or not-open-minded.
This kind of artists move forward because the market allows it and the critics are silent.

And every time I think of that interview for the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome that I did years ago, where the Academy professors defined me as too figurative and that I made "little drawings".