miércoles, 9 de mayo de 2018

Rome Total War Cheats, edición de unidades, software

MOD RTW Alexander

I will explain how to edit the relevent files so that you can play the ATW campaign after alexander is dead.


Go to C:\Program Files\Activision\Rome - Total War\alexander\data\world\maps\campaign\Alexander\d escr_win_conditions.txt



alexander Macedon Lydia Cappadocia Syria Lybia Egypt Babylonia Media Dahae Bactria
survivor Alexander
take_regions 30
script world/maps/campaign/alexander/Alexander_Campaign_Outro_Script.txt


Delete the highlighted

alexander Macedon Lydia Cappadocia Syria Lybia Egypt Babylonia Media Dahae Bactria
survivor Alexander
take_regions 30
script world/maps/campaign/alexander/Alexander_Campaign_Outro_Script.txt

USO DE BLENDER PARA RTW MODELS UNITS, primero hay que unir los objetos y después estructurarlos con los huesos para el movimiento correcto
EL 1untitled está a medio camino


ver como ganar  siempre batallas y asedios


Rome Total War How to create unit using cheat [units names in description]

Rome Total War Money, Unit ID's and Other Cheats in HD

How to Cheat - Rome: Total War - Unlimited Money AND MORE

create_unit "City Name" "Unit Name" 1 0 0 0
create_unit "Capua" "roman hastati" 1 0 0 0
create_unit "General name" "unit name" 1 0 0 0
create_unit "Julianus Scipio" "roman hastati" 1 0 0 0
create_unit "Settlement/Unit" "unit name" "Amount" "experience" "defences" "attack"

add_money 40000

add_money "Julii" -40000

add_population "Capua" "2000" Max amount is 4000

surrender_regions egypt

process_cq Tarentum

process_rq Tarentum


add_population Tarentum 1500

control  Switches player control to specified faction



Rome: Total War, Cheat codes + Battle

date Changes year

mp Gives character movement points

add_money "amount" Gives you the specific amount of denarii you want. Max amount of 40000.

kill_faction Removes faction from the game

diplomatic_stance Sets diplomatic stance between two factions

show_cursorstat Shows cursor position and region ID

control Switches player control to specified faction

upgrade_effect Triggers unit upgrade effect

In the Data folder, file descr_character
That line, 80 is the basic. RTR's is 99. I made it 100 for both, which is like the semi-maximum I think 

WARNING: Increasing this number to more than 100 will cause the game to become buggy. 
I have found that with BI, the 100 points limitation does not apply anymore. I played an entire game with 160 points and it was fine. The AI took advantage of the extra points too.



surrender_regions egypt


Rome Total War How to create unit using cheat [units names in description]

    Crear ejércitos formados por las unidades que puedo reclutar en cada ciudad. Debo quitarme la cantidad de población correspondiente y el dinero que cuesta ese ejército.

Rome Total War Money, Unit ID's and Other Cheats in HD

create_unit "name of settlement or leader of army" "unit ID" level of exp/armour/weapon


Rome Total War Money, Unit ID's and Other Cheats in HD



Cheat List
Press the tilde (~) key to bring down the console, and input one of the following:
* bestbuy: Units are 10% cheaper.
* jericho: Walls will crumble.
* add_money X: Adds money. X = amount.
* add_population Y X: Adds population, where Y is the settlement name and X the amount.
* auto_win attacker/defender: Attacker or defender automatically wins the next auto resolved battle.
* create_unit settlement/charactername unit_ID amount exp/armour/weapon: Creates a unit in the selected settlement or characters army with the stats you input
* toggle_fow: Toggles Fog of War
* give_trait characternname traitname level: Gives the character the trait at the chosen level.
* process_cq settlement: Finished the building queue in the settlement
* list_traits: Lists all traits
* move_character Z X,Y: Moves character to location, where Z is character name and X Y are coordinates.
* give_trait_points charactername traitname points: Gives points for the character’s trait.
* force_diplomacy accept/decline/off: Forces opponent to accept diplomatic proposal
* invulnerable_general charactername: General is invulnerable in combat
* date year: Changes date
* kill_character charactername: Kills selected character
* season summer/winter: changes season
* capture_settlement settlementname: Captures settlement

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